Saturday, 29 March 2014

Project 365: A Wrap Up - Sydney

Day 230
In September of 2011, I started up a Project 365, which involves taking one photo every day. For a little while it made up a significant portion of the content of this blog, but I missed quite a few days and eventually gave up on it 148 days in.

I was in San Francisco for work early last year and I decided I'd try it again. I was in a new place, I had plans to buy a shiny new camera, and I still wanted to actually complete one, so I figured why not? I finally finished it a couple of months ago and they actually make a decent chronicle of what I've been up to for the last year that I didn't really blog in. So here for your viewing pleasure are a few of my favourite photos and highlights from the last year.

(A small tip: if you just want to see the photos, click one and you can scroll through them.)

Out and about

I still can't get over how beautiful Sydney is. Every time I come home I'm struck by the Harbour.

Day 56
Day 223
Day 345
Day 231
Day 251
Day 336
Day 310

Artsy Sydney

The city seems to be trying to host a lot more events and art exhibitions, which is always fun - you actually never really know what's going to pop up on your morning commute!

Day 243
Day 293
Day 278
Day 140
Day 359
Stay tuned, more photos to come in Part 2 - Day to Day!

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