Day 131
This is part two of my Project 365 wrap up. If you haven't yet, go take a look at Part 1 - Sydney.
While I spent a lot of time out and about during the year, I got up to a lot of stuff day to day. Random everyday things are the hardest thing to take photos of - you don't realise how similar your weekdays are to each other until you try and take a new photo every day. But I did manage to get some good shots over the year, so here goes!
(A small tip: if you just want to see the photos, click one and you can scroll through them.)
Getting my craft on
While I was in SF I started knitting again, and I didn't really stop after that. I'll write up a lot of blog posts about what I've gotten up to but here's a sneak peek.
Day 38 |
Day 191 |
Day 23 |
Fantastic four
I had a lot of fun with my friends last year, and (annoyingly for them, I'm sure) I caught heaps of it on camera. Jade of the
terribly sweet ice cream ideas you know...
Day 65 |
...and this is IG, who decided one day to pretend to be a pirate...
Day 61 |
...and Wes, my main man.
Day 272 |
The four of us spent way too much of last year playing card games and going on trips.
Day 97 |
Day 260 |
Movin' on up
I had to move house a couple of times last year. I've invested a lot of time in decorating my new room, and it's turning out quite nicely!
Day 351 |
Day 347 |
Child's play
We have a lot of toys at work, and most of them are Muppets - don't ask. When I get bored I tend to end up putting them into strange positions.
Day 103
Day 170 |
Om nom nom
Foooood. So much good food and drink. Also, it turns out that what you're eating always makes a good emergency shot for the day if you haven't taken one yet.
Day 277 |
Day 313 |
Day 338 |
Day 91 |
That's it for the everyday stuff, stay tuned for Part Three - Around The World.
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