Sunday, 30 March 2014

Project 365: A Wrap Up - Day to Day

Day 131

This is part two of my Project 365 wrap up. If you haven't yet, go take a look at Part 1 - Sydney.

While I spent a lot of time out and about during the year, I got up to a lot of stuff day to day. Random everyday things are the hardest thing to take photos of - you don't realise how similar your weekdays are to each other until you try and take a new photo every day. But I did manage to get some good shots over the year, so here goes!

(A small tip: if you just want to see the photos, click one and you can scroll through them.)

Saturday, 29 March 2014

Project 365: A Wrap Up - Sydney

Day 230
In September of 2011, I started up a Project 365, which involves taking one photo every day. For a little while it made up a significant portion of the content of this blog, but I missed quite a few days and eventually gave up on it 148 days in.

I was in San Francisco for work early last year and I decided I'd try it again. I was in a new place, I had plans to buy a shiny new camera, and I still wanted to actually complete one, so I figured why not? I finally finished it a couple of months ago and they actually make a decent chronicle of what I've been up to for the last year that I didn't really blog in. So here for your viewing pleasure are a few of my favourite photos and highlights from the last year.

(A small tip: if you just want to see the photos, click one and you can scroll through them.)